Well another month has flown by. It seems like just yesterday I was sitting behind the keys of my computer, attempting to find a way to make blogging a little bit less like a huge chronological blurb about the days that have flown by. Its insane to think that it has already been three months. An entire quarter of a year, crazy how time flies when you are living in Asia.
before leaving on exchange I read a bunch of other exchange students blogs, and I remember always thinking why do these exchange students not post more on there blogs? Well I finally get it. The first two or three months are crazy jam packed of all of this new and exciting stuff, and then shortly after those months things all of the sudden just start to feel normal. Also suddenly you just randomly feel like your English is extremely inadequate and people should not read your poorly written blog. I guess thats kind of what exchange is all about though. Adapting, changing and growing to fit into a brand new culture. Things are finally just starting to seem normal. After saying all of that, I would also like to point out that even though things are pretty normal over here, I am still experiencing some incredible things that I would never be able to do in Canada.
Recap Of The Past Month
Tuesday, October 7th
Finally got the chance to reunited with, Ploy, a YE who came to Canada last year on her exchange. We baked brownies and decorated cakes. After we finished baking we went out for lunch, and I attempted to eat a chickens foot... (lets just say I'm not doing that again)
Wednesday, October 8th
Me and some other YE students, and some rebound students went to a waterfall in Chiangmai, I am going to say it is Hauy Kaew Waterfall, It was beautiful. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures because I didn't bring my phone or camera with me. After the water fall we went out to eat Roti, and we finished our day by enjoying some delicious garlic bread and BLT's at a restaurant in the old city.
Saturday, October 11th
I am pretty sure that saturday was what they called Monk Day. Its the day when people surround all the temples with these little festival like activities in order to raise money for the start of a new monk term (every three months the monks switch temples). After eating some incredible food at the temple, Olivia and I spent some time with my next host mom. We went to see her house, meet her dog, and then we went out for coffee. After that we were off to visit a national park near Chiangmai with Olivia's host dad, and another rotarian.
Sunday, October 12th
I was awoken to the surprise that I was heading to Lampang with my host parents to visit the biggest coal mine in Thailand. It seemed like strange thing to visit, but it had some beautiful views after you got over the fact that they were destroying the earth...
October 24th
Went out for an amazing dinner with my counsellor and her daughters!
October 25th
Went to Mok Fa Waterfall, with my counsellor and her daughters (It was gorgeous). After playing at the waterfall for a few hours we went out for Japanese food. I tried some really strange stuff, such as snails, raw oysters (never doing that again), and some squid.
October 31st
Well they don't celebrate Halloween in Thailand. So I was pretty home sick all day, but I did manage to renew my visa!
November 2nd
Helped out a friend of a friend with there university project by being there model. Who ever things modelling is easy, you are wrong. It is intimating, and nerve-racking.